“Donkey, two things, OK? Shut… up.”
- Did you know that our friends at Elbert Theatre have the ETF Teen Summer Camp production of Shrek the Musical, JR. on Friday July 21st and Saturday 22nd, 2023 (well, all of the rest of Hart County knows…);
- Have you seen that Hart County Community Theatre is hosting it very first Summer Movies at the Threatre, with “Shrek”, sponsored by Hartwell Downtown Development Authority at 7:00PM on July 22nd!!??!!?? No?
“Well, it’s no wonder you don’t have any friends.”
“Hey! I’m no one’s messenger boy, all right? I’m a delivery boy.” and since “Ogres are like onions.” I am gonna share a sweet deal with you!
You can do a two for one, support Hart County theatrical arts!!!
- Go see the ETF Teen Summer Camp production of Shrek The Musical, JR. at Elbert Theatre, and make sure you grab a show program!
- Bring your show program from the Elbert Theatre production to Hart County Community Theatre for the summer movie, SHREK, by Dreamworks, sponsored by the Hartwell DDA.
- Visit our volunteers at the HCCT Concessions booth and receive $2.00 off your purchase of movie snacks!!!
“You know, Donkey, sometimes things are more than they appear.”